Vive Cares Benevolence Fund

Our heart is to come alongside you in this season and provide limited assistance toward your essential needs on a case-by-case basis. We will also do our best to direct you to other outside agencies set up specifically to assist in ways we cannot. The Vive Cares Benevolence Fund is to be considered as a financial safety net for families or individuals if savings/investments, assistance from family and/or friends, or government programs are not able to meet their needs.

And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. - Acts 2:44-45

Please note: This process can take up to three weeks, depending on the need and available resources.


Who can apply for benevolence?

Emergency financial assistance (“benevolence”) is available to members in our Vive community.

What constitutes an emergency situation?

Emergency situations include food, electricity, gas, water, or rent/mortgage assistance. The bill should be past due as evidence of an emergency situation.

How often can I receive assistance?

Assistance from the Vive Cares Benevolence Fund is intended to be a one-time gift each calendar year, not to exceed $500.

How long does the application process take?

Once the application is submitted, you should receive a response within three weeks.

Can I get immediate help?

In some cases, we are able to help with small denomination grocery store gift cards and/or gas gift cards.

Do I receive cash?

NO cash gifts will be given as financial assistance. Payment will be made payable to the vendor/creditor (and not to the applicant). Support for amounts requested must be attached to the application (i.e., utility bill, lease agreement, etc.).

Can someone give toward this fund?

Yes, anyone can donate toward this fund specifically to help other people within our community. Simply click on this link for one of the ways to give and add Vive Cares in the for/memo section.

Is anything excluded?

Benevolence will not be granted for medical bills, taxes, legal fees, fines/penalties, bond posting, court-ordered restitution, alimony, or child support. This list is not all inclusive.