Women’s LifeGroup | Without Rival (Ft. Lauderdale Location)

February 8 - May 3 2022  |  Panera Bread | 1461 SE 17th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

1461 SE 17th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, USA

February 8, 2022 – May 3, 2022 | Tuesdays 7-9 PM

Panera Bread, 
1461 SE 17th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
(954) 640-9265

Are you longing for deeper connections, authentic identity, and clarity in your purpose? We have an active enemy that is constantly assaulting our mind, will, and emotions in the hopes that we’ll turn on ourselves and each other. The enemy wants us to isolate ourselves from intimate connections, and to live in a state of confusion about our identity and our purpose.

Without Rival by Lisa Bevere empowers us with the right tools to spot the hand of the enemy and to overcome his tricks. Together we’ll discover how God’s love can set us free from comparison, competition, pride, and envy so that we can embrace and celebrate the unique woman that God has created us to be. After all, when you belong to Jesus you are without rival.

Without Rival: Embrace Your Identity and Purpose in an Age of Confusion and Comparison by Lisa Bevere
(Click book title above to purchase book)